OUCHE 2022: Pawel Nolbert

Roads Not Taken offers an exciting glimpse into the alternate selves of the creatives luminaries who continue to pave the way forward, being the fuel for your imagination.

Showcases are a collection of perspectives and artworks from around the world that translate our "today" into timeless essays and visual inspiration for you lovers and creative, sexy beasts.

With true artists like Joshua Davis, Brendan Dawes, Six N. Five, Boldtron, Joëlle Snaith, Baugasm, Vasava, Jana Styblova, Pawel Nolbert and many others, we will get encouraged to take the road less travelled to watch all the differences that it will make.


Arseny Vesnin (Digital Decade curator) was humbled to co-curate “Roads Not Taken” by bringing two promising NFT artists Jana Stýblová and Pawel Nolbert to the group show organised by OFFF Festival 2022

Pawel Nolbert is a color artist and image-maker. He explores color, expression and visual languages, and works with brands, to create strong visual work. In addition to his explorative work and art practice, he collaborated with initiatives and brands that include Google, Apple, Nike, Sony, Adidas, Polaroid, Microsoft, Disney, Logitech, Mercedes-Benz, Johnnie Walker, Time, Wired, Squarespace, Spotify, and many more. He is currently based in Warsaw.

His work has been recognized by various art / design publications, exhibitions, and press, such as Taschen “Illustration Now” book, Saatchi Gallery, Hypebeast, Springer “Digital Da Vinci” book, Etapes, IdN Magazine, Collossal, Beautiful Decay, Juxtapoz, Fubiz, Pantone, Timeout, Computer Arts Magazine, Advanced Photoshop Magazine and Adweek Talent. Nolbert has also held talks such as TEDxPSU 2016, Us by Night Antwerp and Noroo International Color Trend show 2017.

