Artificial Imagination: Asleeeep

cat city


cat city

He wanted to observe the extraordinary life of this cat city and find out some details: When did this place turn into a cat city? What structure and way of life? How did the cats get here?

My name is Alexander Goryachikh; everyone in the NFT space knows me as asleeeep. I am 23 years old and an amateur animation and AI collage artist. I’ve been drawing all my life. That’s why I’m here
— Asleeeep

What was your path to doing what you’re doing now?

After many attempts and a million thoughts about the new path

Did you have an “Aha!” moment when you knew that working with AI was what you wanted to do?

Yes, haha, when I realised, I did not know the basis of art...

How does AI influence your way of doing work now?

AI now takes up 50-60% of my workflow, making my life much easier. Thanks to AI, I began to learn new things.

As a creative person, do you ever have those moments where you feel like everything you create is just shit?

Very often, unfortunately, I do not know how to evaluate what I do for some reason reasonably.

Is it necessary to you to be a part of a creative community of people?

Yes, it is essential; it is tough to be alone, especially in NFT.

Have you taken any significant risks to move forward?

Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it. It’s a very personal and unpleasant story for me.

What made you pursue NFT art as a medium?

Income from my creativity, I always dreamed about it, and I’m not ashamed (although it doesn’t always work out).

What advice would you give to someone starting in AI art and NFT?

My advice: just keep doing it and don't wait; it kills, and don't treat it like a job; it's also dangerous. And do something just for your pleasure.